12 Days of Viral – DAY FOUR Scott Caldwell, December 16, 2009December 17, 2009 On the fourth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. My face on the site. Now I personally do not feel as if this is a form of “viral” marketing, but if it’s gets you talking to friends about it, then it’s working. And, it’s a ton of fun to do! Movies such as Star Trek, Terminator Salvation and Surrogates gave you the option to either make yourself appear as a character of the film, or in the case of Surrogates, you got to jump out of a plane! Which, being the actual premise of that film, it made perfect sense to do it. Most of these links are over-sponsored as well, giving it that far from viral feel. But whatever. I can make Captain Kirk say bad words and I can Zombify Hillbilly Jim! It’s worth it. Trek Yourself Zombify Yourself Choose Your Surrogate Terminate Yourself So there you have it. Either see yourself on a beach, or find our what it would look like if your neighbor was a cyborg. Other Days In The “12 Days of Viral” Series: A trailer without a title A Twitter account with the truth Three Websites Viral Marketing Star TrekSurrogatesTerminator SalvationZombieland
Feature-Length Behind-the-Scenes Documentary of “The Social Network” Posted Online February 2, 2011The Blu-Ray release for The Social Network is chock-full of impressive extras, and one of those is a 93 minute documentary called “How Did They Ever Make a Movie of Facebook?”, which is a behind-the-scenes of the award-winning film. For those too cheap to make the purchase, IMDB has kindly… Read More
Rocket Poppeteers Gives A Pop Quiz! September 27, 2010Now that Super 8 is going into full swing with its casting and location filming, it’s only appropriate for the viral to update as well. For those of you who signed up at the Rocket Poppeteer site, you were more than likely miffed about the lack of response. Well, because… Read More
Predators Website Has New Features and Games June 30, 2010A while back, the Predators website debuted with the promise of interesting features. There has been some anticipation on exactly what these features were. Fortunately, two have been activated, and both are definitely not for anyone who doesn’t like highly NSFW images. Get ready to slash a site and loose… Read More