The LOST Underground Art Project: New Art Pieces Revealed Dan Koelsch, December 17, 2009 You may remember us talking about the LOST Underground Art Project a few weeks ago. The show was held December 15th at Gallery 1988, and thanks to Peter at Slashfilm, who’s always on top of this subject, we now have the new artworks revealed at the event. The works include paintings and sculptures, all of which are for sale. You can purchase them by emailing Gallery 1988 at Below are some images of the pieces, but check out their website for lots more from the 20 accomplished artists. Viral Marketing LOST
“The Hunger Games” Viral Review: Pretty Standard Fun April 6, 2012April 6, 2012The Hunger Games may have gotten positive ratings across the board, but what of its viral campaign. Yes The Hunger Games had a subtle viral campaign that helped appease fans before the movie’s release, and now that the movie has already been released, the viral sites are officially inactive. From… Read More
HitRECord Kicks Off Tour and Makes Big Announcement November 14, 2012Editor’s Note: hitRECord is an online collaborative production company founded by actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The following is a review by friend of the site Jackie Tuttle of the first night of the organization’s “On the Road” Fall tour. I will not kick a fan girl in the shins… I will… Read More
What Is Operation Early Bird? December 8, 2011December 8, 2011Yesterday, we reported the start of a viral campaign for The Dark Knight Rises and today we have some major developments! A new CIA transcript and a countdown! Check it out after the jump! Read More