The Boondock Saints: 10 Year Anniversary Scott Caldwell, December 23, 2009December 23, 2009 They say the best form of viral is word of mouth. Long before money was spent on creating campaigns and websites, the best way to get people to know about your movie was to make a movie that people wanted to know about. A film that people wanted to talk about. A film that people WANTED to tell their friends about. A film that earned the title of a cult classic. 10 years ago, a film did just that: The Boondock Saints. Troy Duffy’s film, about two brothers who need to clean up the streets of Boston in such a righteous way that it’s far from frowned upon, did just that. A film praised (no pun intended) for its action, its comedy, its writing, and its sheer visual greatness, cleaned up the town known as “old viral” and became a film that many know and love. The sequel, where you can read my review here, continues the story in a way that all fans wanted. Just like the word of mouth that made the first film what it was, and helped the second film make it from limited to nationwide viewing, the Saints are looking to get you to talk the talk and get some more word of their spiritual journey out in celebration of a milestone event. Eventful, the same site that helped spread the word for Paranormal Activity, is being used to spread the “gospel” of the MacManus’ brothers in an effort to bring the original film back to the big screen for its ten year anniversary. Those of you unfamiliar with Eventful, it’s simple. Give them the zip code you are in, that counts as a demand/request, and then, the word of mouth kicks in when you tell your friends. It’s simple. So there you have it. If you want to see a great film, then see The Boondock Saints. If you want to see a great film on the big screen, then get your rope, because you never know when you’ll need it, and click the link below and start demanding! Click here to spread the word And, to follow tradition of of the viral we follow, here’s some lessons straight from the Saints themselves. Viral Marketing The Boondock Saints
Create a LOST Fan Promo and Get On TV! March 2, 2010The series finale of ABC’s LOST is just over two months away, and the network is celebrating by letting you, the fans, create your own promo for the event. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of YouTube videos made by fans by cutting together clips, and now those “artists” can get… Read More
(Finally!) A Viral from a Galaxy Far, Far, Away September 6, 2009September 6, 2009As a huge Star Wars fan, I was thrilled to see an interview pop on where writer John Scott Lewinski interviewed a member of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars universe. Not series director Dave Filoni or a member of the voice cast mind you, but one of the… Read More
Official Super 8 Trailer Now Online! May 11, 2010May 11, 2010Paramount has released an official online version of J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 trailer, and let me tell you, it looks much better in high definition than it did bootlegged. As Alex from FirstShowing mentions, there’s strangely some extra footage at the end that’s just black and has no sound (that… Read More
I love these movies! So glad they have kept a solid fan base, or I might never have been introduced. Yeah for the hot bros!
Dumb idea. I’d rather Boondock Saints 2 be extended to more cities for the fans who didn’t get to see it. Some people don’t even know there is a 2.
Well Brian… if you really were a BDS fan you would have realized that they have been wanting to make a second one for 10 years and that at least last summer is when Troy put out the release date.