The 1701 Have Been Chosen in “Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral; New Trailer Debuting Tomorrow Caleb Hamilton, May 1, 2013May 1, 2013 Last week, we reported that the long-dormant Star Trek Into Darkness viral site went live with a social media contest using Instagram and Vine. Paramount gave fans a week to enter the contest, where they had to take a picture or video inspired by Star Trek or “the future.” There were 1701 winners selected out of eligible entries and many received their prize today! Find out what they won after the jump!Contest winners may have been surprised throughout the day to find a poster tube on their doorstep. Yours truly is one of the winners and there wasn’t any prior notification that I had been chosen, so I assumed that Paramount had maybe sent me a promotional poster or something. Inside the tube there was a one-sheet poster and anaglyph (Red and Blue lens) 3D glasses.A note was attached to the poster stating congratulating you on being selected. On the back, another message informed winners that they would be the first to see a new, 3D trailer first. Tomorrow, at 12 PM PT, the 3D trailer will debut at of course, you won’t really be able to enjoy it without those cool glasses! If there are any more developments beyond this new trailer, MovieViral will keep you in the know! Click here to check out the rest of coverage of Star Trek Into Darkness viral events.Be sure to see Star Trek Into Darkness on May 17th in 3D and IMAX 3D! ARGs & Campaigns Contests Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News AreYouThe1701Bad RobotContestsParamount PicturesStar Trek Into DarknessTrailer
You Can Be In a “Pitch Perfect” Music Video August 12, 2012August 12, 2012Pitch Perfect is an upcoming comedy musical from Universal. The film stars Anna Kendrick as a newcomer to an all-girls a capella group. You have a chance to be part of the group thanks to a contest involving YouTube star Mike Tompkins. Get the details after the break. Read More
“Men in Black III” Viral Continues With Tattoo Parlor Commercial and Fan Messages April 1, 2012April 1, 2012It’s been a few weeks since we’ve provided an update on the Men in Black III viral campaign, so here’s a quick refresher on what has been going on. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much, especially since the campaign seems to not have a real goal or driving force. Read More
Watch Buried While Buried! August 25, 2010If you love Ryan Reynolds and tight spaces, this contest is for you. Fantastic Fest, the annual genre film festival held in Austin, Texas, is coming up this September, and you can walk the red carpet opening night if you are chosen to watch Lionsgate’s Buried while actually buried underground…. Read More