The Home Alone Twitter Project Dan Koelsch, December 25, 2009December 25, 2009 One of my favorite holiday movies of all time is Home Alone. Whenever I hear “Carol of the Bells”, I always think of that movie. Well, for all those other fans out there, now you can follow the plot of Home Alone on Twitter! Yes, that’s right. Thanks to Twitter’s new list feature, you can see tweets from all the main characters in order of how they would appear in the film. It’s called the Home Alone Twitter Project, and by following the list, you’ll see tweets from 23 characters in the film, including Kevin McCallister and most of the McCallister family, robbers Harry and Marv, and even Ben Marley, the scary old guy with a shovel. Each character has their own twitter account so they can interact, but reading them all under the list allows you to follow the events in the film from beginning to end in real time (it’s over now, so you can actually read the whole thing). The narrative uses modern devices such as Twitpic and YouTube, and even uses Internet lingo such as Harry’s “o_O” tweet. It’s really quite brilliant, so check it out for yourself. I’m crossing my fingers in hopes they do Home Alone 2 next year. Thanks to Slashfilm for the heads up. Viral Marketing Home Alone
The Inside Experience: The Story So Far, As Told By Christina Herself August 1, 2011It’s been a week since Christina was kidnapped, and in order to stay sane, she has recounted the story so far on her Facebook page. Of course, this also serves as a “Previously On…” update for new fans of The Inside Experience or anyone who just wants to catch up…. Read More
New UK Food Truck Feeds Your Inner Zombie [And Promotes Release Of “The Walking Dead” Season 2 DVD] August 30, 2012The food truck craze may have hit a few years ago, but it has yet to hit its peak. The entire country has become so enraptured with this food out of a truck craze, that everyone else outside of the United States also wants in on the action. Everyone knows… Read More
Social Networks Star Wars And Marvel Geek It Out On Twitter January 23, 2014January 23, 2014Forget the talk about Batman versus Superman. The big rivalry happening this week is between Star Wars and Marvel via their Twitter accounts. What started as an “AskStarWars” Twitter event turned into a hilarious back and forth ribbing between the two brands. Even Iron Man jumped into the fray. Check… Read More