The Time Has Come: Avatarize Yourself Alex Gerage, January 7, 2010November 16, 2010 As if Happy Meals weren’t enough, McDonald’s is now offering the chance for internet users to “avatarize” themselves. Simply upload a picture from your computer or Facebook page, follow a few steps in the program, and you’ll see what you’d look like if you were blue and lived on Pandora. The program is very much like the “Zombify Yourself” promotion that was released in October to promote Zombieland. I suggest giving it a shot, especially if you enjoyed Avatar. You can check out mine below. Normally, I would argue that this viral is a little late to the party. After all, Avatar has been out for almost four weeks. But as we’ve seen, Avatar is no ordinary film. It seems poised to become one of the biggest films of all time, and has positioned itself to be a major player during awards season. In other words, Avatar is still very much in the cultural consciousness, so promotions like these are likely to remain relevant. Did you avatarize yourself? Link to your picture in the comments section! Viral Marketing AvatarMcDonalds
Watch All Six “Hannibal” Webisodes April 25, 2013April 25, 2013Can’t get enough of Hannibal Lector? NBC has you covered with their Hannibal web series, which expands on the TV series and explores Dr. Lector’s relationships with Abigail Hobbs and Will Graham. You can watch all six webisodes after the break, as well as the preview for tonight’s episode. Read More
Unique Zombie Film “Colin” Premieres At Cannes May 24, 2009April 30, 2010I love me a great zombie flick, and a film called Colin premiered at Cannes that is right up my alley. The word of mouth on it is so good that major distributors are looking at it. Watch the trailer and find out how much the film cost to make… Read More
Star Trek Viral Campaign Explained in 4 Minutes May 14, 2009April 7, 2010Confused by the Star Trek viral campaign that ended when the film came out this weekend? You’re not the only one (read: me). Here’s a great video that sums up the ARG in 4 minutes. Read More