My iPhone Has Gone “Crazy”! Scott Caldwell, January 8, 2010February 18, 2011 With all of the viral that has been popping up lately, including websites and Twitter accounts, it’s only fitting that they move onto an untapped market of iPhone apps! Thanks to ShockTillYouDrop, we now know of said app. In addition to the “zombify”, “na’vi”, and “trek” yourself sites we’ve seen, this one brings it a bit closer to home. Whether you want to browse through your photos, or take a new one, you can now “infect” the ones you love. Just like you did on prom night! Oh wait, wrong kind of infection. Here’s a viral, on a viral, within a viral:Granted it’s not much more that just a rash, but it’s something. In other news about The Crazies, the other day we mentioned a new Twitter account. Well, based on a few comments, we were flooded with many more accounts. It’s hard to tell which one’s may be real, but based on a followfriday from SaveOgdenMarsh today, it’s probably safe to say that most are legit. Including a couple NOT mentioned.OgdenMarshRadio MossyMandy abbeycats JenniGagaBased on who those above tweeted too, we can probably add the following:rickrolled91 hawtroddin The cool thing about the majority of these is, they are feeling ill, or know someone else who is. Very similar to the Cloverfield/Myspace accounts where they all may start to tie in.Thanks to River for the post on the last article. The Crazies hits theaters February 26th Social Networks Viral Marketing iPhoneThe CraziesTwitter
“Legends of Alcatraz” Viral Event TONIGHT January 27, 2012On Monday we gave you an update on the viral campaign for the FOX television series Alcatraz. The clues led us to believe there would be an event today on the infamous island itself, and we were right! IT BEGINS after the break. Read More
“Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site Makes Dr. Octopus Connection To Latest Trailer December 7, 2013December 7, 2013The first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has just been released, and already the viral site is making connections to it. While we don’t know the extent of BJ Novak‘s role in the sequel, rumors are swirling that it could be anyone from Donald Menken, Norman Osborn’s assistant, to… Read More
Collect Your Friends With “The Collection” Facebook App November 23, 2012April 15, 2015The Collection is a sequel to the indie horror film The Collector that is opening next week nationwide. The Collector is a serial killer who sets gruesome boobytraps for his victims and collects body parts. The film’s Facebook page has an App called Collect Your Friends, where you can create… Read More