Even More LOST LOL Captions Dan Koelsch, February 11, 2010 Our partners over at Fused Film have yet again found a hilarious batch of LOST captions, most stemming from the end of last season and this season’s premiere. Check out my favorites after the jump. Check out Fused Film’s post for the rest, and watch LOST every Tuesday at 9/8c on ABC. Be sure to come back here to read our recap and review after each episode. Viral Marketing ABCCaptionLOST
Inception Mash-Ups: The Dark Knight, Up, and Toy Story May 17, 2010It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of fan-made content. I love seeing what people create out of inspiration from movies, TV or anything that one would consider entertainment. After the jump you can see more fan-made videos that mash up the upcoming Christopher Nolan sci-fi thriller Inception with… Read More
Director Starts Independent Viral for “Robot & Frank” on Tumblr August 10, 2012August 10, 2012Here at MovieViral we are usually writing about viral campaigns for big budget films that are run by studios or outsourced to firms like 42 Entertainment. Well, when you make and independent film, your budget is usually very small, so there isn’t a lot of money to market your film… Read More
New Lost Teasers Reveal Secrets! (Or Do They?) January 15, 2010January 16, 2010OK so these teasers from the British TV network Sky 1 don’t actually give away any real secrets for Lost’s final season, but they are pretty humorous. Take a look. Read More