Picture Slowly Being Revealed on Tron Legacy Zero Hour Site Dan Koelsch, February 18, 2010August 17, 2010 Update: It’s actually text, not a picture. You can currrently make out a few random letters. As the countdown on the Tron Legacy Zero Hour site gets closer to February 24th, we’ve gotten a lot of updates on the viral. Today we have a new tidbit regarding that site that may shed light on what the countdown is really for. The speculation has been that the Zero Hour coded countdown is leading to a new trailer for the Tron sequel. While that may be the case, a new development on the website shows what seems to be a picture slowly being built, pixel by pixel, right below the countdown (see above). The rate of the picture’s completion looks to fit with the countdown time frame. Could we be getting just a photo after all of this? it seems unlikely, so maybe the picture will just be a representation of what we will get. Or, the photo may reveal a big plot point or cameo. It’s really up in the air right now. We’ll update you as soon as we find out more, including when we can finally tell the what the picture is. For more information on Tron Legacy, due out in theaters in December, check out our Viral Page. Viral Marketing Tron LegacyZeroHour
Send A Free Telegram via Cowboys & Aliens! July 20, 2011You’re probably too young to remember telegrams; little messages sent over radio and telephone lines through morse code. You’ve probably heard of them or learned about them in school. Well, Universal Studios and TelegramStop.com have teamed up to allow you to send telegrams to friends for free! Find out how… Read More
Cars Gone Viral February 13, 2010February 13, 2010What happens when you can’t show something in a commercial, even though you know your customers do exactly this, because it’s illegal? Don’t make a commercial…..make a film! That’s exactly what BMW did with it’s great series of shorts for its line of cars in order to show just how… Read More
New Viral Site For Stephen King’s “Bag of Bones” November 10, 2011A new viral website for A&E’s upcoming two-part miniseries “Bag of Bones,” which is based the Stephen King bestselling novel, was discovered yesterday – and it looks pretty interesting. Dark Score Stories gives you an interactive way to explore the background of some of the main characters, who narrate several… Read More