Watch The Office Employees Talk About The Olympics Dan Koelsch, February 22, 2010February 22, 2010 NBC may be getting a lot of flack lately for (amongst other things) their tape delayed coverage of the 2010 Winter Olympics, but they are definitely promoting the heck out of it. Check out their latest cross promotion involving a little paper company after the jump. In a new series of web clips, your favorites from The Office talk about their favorite Olympic moments and sports (both in and out of character). Check out the ones so far: You can catch the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver almost all day on NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC until February 28th. The Office airs Thursday nights at 9/8c. Viral Marketing NBCOlympicsThe Office
Explore Filming Locations With “Movie Lovers Guide To The World” Map November 22, 2012November 23, 2012Have you ever wanted to explore where the most famous movies have been filmed? Foreign currency provider Travelex helps you do just that with their Movie Lovers Guide To The World app that uses Google Maps to pinpoint shooting locations for IMDB’s Top 250 films. Check it out after the… Read More
“Black Swan” Gets A Viral Site October 22, 2010Fox Searchlight Pictures has launched a viral site for Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan. The site gives us a look into the mind of Nina (Natalie Portman). After the jump take a look at images from the site and what you will see as the site progresses. Read More
“Puzzles” is Finally Open! January 2, 2012January 3, 2012During tonight’s episode of How I Met Your Mother, Ted and Barney spontaneously decide to open the bar, Puzzles, which they discussed (while drunk) back in the 2009 episode, “Three Days of Snow”. When they open it in Ted’s apartment, hilarity ensues. If the episode itself isn’t funny enough for… Read More