Tron Legacy: Viral Site Unlocks More Answers, Questions Nick Butler, March 25, 2010December 3, 2010 A new viral site for Tron Legacy has been discovered within the website. The site, Cheat Code, allows members to enter the names of Encom employees and get their password and username to login into the Employee Intranate. Once logged in, players can sift through emails sent between various in-game characters. More after the jump.They’ve been all over this on Unfiction (when aren’t they), and below is a list of all the usernames that can be entered and decrypted.Alan BradleyPatricia JalardyMarkus GrenwaldWilla FrewerKurt HardingtonJust enter the name into the Cheat Code website, and then use the username and password given to access their personal Intranate.This site lead us to a second website was, a “virtual desktop” of Kurt Hardington’s personal computer. You can check that out here. Probably the most interesting thing is the video you can watch by clicking the upper left logo, then “System Chat,” then watch the video dated March 2, 2010. It’s a conversation between Hardington and another Enocm employee discussing Alan Bradley.Another interesting part of this desktop is the letter from “Dunne and Bolatsky,” a law firm, discussing Alan Bradley’s contract. The document suggests Hardington was inquiring about the strength of Bradley’s contract. Between the video and the document, it’s obvious that the “money side” of Encom isn’t too fond of the “gaming side” of Encom.Thanks to Jonny Quest for the heads up. Thanks to Unfiction members for continued analysis. Viral Marketing Alan BradleyArcadeAidCheat CodeEncomFlynn LivesTron Legacy
Black Dynamite Film and Viral Campaign Review January 22, 2010January 22, 2010In September 2009, /Film ran the teaser trailer for director Scott Sanders’ Black Dynamite, a comedy based on the blaxploitation films of the 1970s. Directed by Scott Sanders and written by Michael Jai White, the film focuses around the main character of Black Dynamite, played by Michael Jai White (The… Read More
Latest Kick-Ass Posters Encourage You To Join The Fight March 12, 2010August 26, 2010MTV Splash Page has posted the third of their exclusive Kick-Ass posters, inspired by classic World War II propaganda. This time, Hit Girl joins the stylized images of Kick Ass and Red Mist, which appeared on the Splash Page site earlier in the week. Check out the posters after the… Read More
New “AGM Heartland” Video Found? August 6, 2012August 6, 2012Almost two years ago, Neill Blomkamp, writer and director of viral-friendly District 9, made a short film that showed up in the iPad version of a Wired Magazine issue. There was a lot of speculation on what that video was for, but we haven’t heard anything from it since. Now… Read More
No…the best is the expense report for the CEO…..teeth whitening and cat sitter are my favorite expenses to run through the company!