Viral Video: 160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes Dan Koelsch, April 1, 2010November 23, 2010 Back in January, we showed you a video with the 100 cheesiest movie quotes. The video is part of a series on YouTube channel of user “hh edits“, who has movie news site called Pajiba. This week we get another compilation from the video editor titled “160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes”. I think you know what’s in store. Take a look after the break. Viral Marketing Arnold SchwarzeneggerFan MadePajibaquotesViral video
Comic-Con 2013: “Ender’s Game” Panel Coverage, Footage Reaction, & Harrison Ford July 18, 2013July 18, 2013The 2013 San Diego Comic-Con officially kicked off it’s festivities with a few smaller panels for geek-related films, but the one panel that everyone must have been waiting for is Ender’s Game. Based on the Orson Scott Card novel of the same name, Ender’s Game follows the story of the… Read More
“Tron Legacy” Viral Campaign’s Final Countdown December 1, 2010December 1, 2010After weeks of Internet viral activity, the Tron Legacy viral campaign hits the streets once again. We are only 16 days away from the big release and now the two-year viral campaign is coming to a close. The FlynnLives website has been updated with a message saying “The Final Countdown”… Read More
Create Your Very Own ‘The LEGO Movie’ Sig Fig November 4, 2013November 4, 2013The LEGO Movie marketing campaign has taken a slight shift to the viral angle. We’ve previously posted a contest the film held where the winner would be a part of the film. Chances are if you are reading this post, you probably didn’t win, but the Warner Bros. team doesn’t… Read More
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