Feedback: What Did You Think of Iron Man 2? Dan Koelsch, May 8, 2010May 8, 2010 Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 74%, our own writer Iain gave it a C in his review, but we want to know what you think of Iron Man 2, which opened this weekend. Was it better than the original, or was there too much going on? Did you catch all the Marvel and viral references? Did you see it in IMAX? If so, how was it? Leave us a comment after the jump, where you can see the press conference the cast and director Jon Favreau gave earlier this week. Reviews FeedbackIron Man 2Review
Super 8 Review: You Nostalgia You Lose June 9, 2011June 9, 2011This weekend, a film called Super 8 opens in theaters and IMAX. If you’ve followed our website at all, then you know that we’ve been covering the viral campaign extensively for the J.J. Abrams written and directed sci-fi film. Now the time has come to see if the movie lives… Read More
‘Foxcatcher’ Review November 14, 2014November 14, 2014So few true story-based films capture a descent percentage of the subject they are capturing. Even if it isn’t a true story, films like Whiplash don’t even come close to the pressures the students feel. So for a film like Foxcatcher to come out, it has to be on point. … Read More
Movie Review: The Muppets November 20, 2011November 20, 2011I love the Muppets. I thought I should get that out of the way. The original The Muppet Movie is one of my favorite movies of all time, and by watching it again a few years ago, I gained a new appreciation for the Muppet universe as an adult. After… Read More
I thought the movie was as great as the first one overall. There were some parts which I thought probably could have been left out or generally changed. For instance, when Agent Romanov is fighting her way through Hammer Industries, she keeps awkwardly posing in front of the camera like she is desperate to convince you that she is good looking. That whole fight scene was really forced and made for a rude interruption for an otherwise fantastic movie. The action was there an even more heavy than in the first one, which I liked. I’ve heard (here) that the final fight scene had too much going on to recognize the different characters, but I didn’t have that problem at all. I think if there was anything wrong with that scene it was a little bit too short and seemed to cut itself off. But the laser addition to Iron Man’s suit was absolutely satisfying. Overall, the writing sometimes faltered with the more minor characters, but not enough to distract from the overall quality of the movie. It’s a Sherlock Holmes movie and I’m pretty much a sucker for those (which is why you’ll find me watching House every Monday). I was amazed with the movie and plan to see it many more times.
I’ve also seen it once so far, but that’s gonna change soon. For the most part, I agree with every thing that Jeremy said. While the action in IM2 is better, (the F-22 fight scene from the first movie withstanding),this one still does not have enough fight scenes, and the final battle was Awesome, but as many would agree, way to short. The much over-rated Scarlett Johanssen, had a dead,stuck-on-stupid, look on her face. Not only during her fight scene, ( which was “good” by the way ),but throughout all of her scenes. The reason she didn’t speak with a Russian accent, like she should have. Is probable because she doesn’t have the talent, like Rourke or RDJ. Overall I found the negative reviews to be down right misleading. My rating score? (9/10) (A) or (4 out of 5 stars). Take your pick, you can’t lose. KVS -(student film-maker).