Inception Mash-Ups: The Dark Knight, Up, and Toy Story Corey, May 17, 2010 It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of fan-made content. I love seeing what people create out of inspiration from movies, TV or anything that one would consider entertainment. After the jump you can see more fan-made videos that mash up the upcoming Christopher Nolan sci-fi thriller Inception with The Dark Knight, Up, and Toy Story. Pixar’s 2009 heart warmer Up is a wonderful movie about life, love, and adventure, and was a massive success with both the box office and critics alike. 2010’s Inception is a cold, psychological thriller that deals with stealing and killing. Now what happens when you mix Up and Inception? You never look at Up the same way again, at least I can’t. Does the same effect work for Toy Story? See for yourself below (courtesy of Screen Rant). Christopher Nolan’s 2008 sequel The Dark Knight is probably one of the greatest comic book movies of all time. Christopher Nolan is back with Inception and some familiar faces from the Batman franchise (Michael Caine and Cillian Murphy). The trailer for Inception has some pretty epic music attached to it. Watch what a fan created when mixing clips from The Dark Knight and the music from the Inception trailer! When it comes to fan-created content, ABC’s LOST is probably my favorite, covering everything from Baywatch to Keyboard Cat and a side-by-side view of both time realities ; even doing the crash of the Oceanic 815 in real time. It’s not just LOST-related content I like, a few months ago a few movie rap videos were posted, which basically tell the story of which ever movie it is the video is about, and brilliantly (Terminator 2, RoboCop, and Aliens). Inception opens July 16th. Viral Marketing Fan MadeInceptionMash-upThe Dark KnightToy StoryViral video
The Viral That Became More October 10, 2009October 10, 2009(Editor’s Note: This article is written by guest writer Kristopher Stoltz, a member of our forum) If you’re a fan of Virals, then there’s 3 viral campaigns you should know and respect: 1. Blair Witch viral 2. The Dark Knight viral 3. LonelyGirl15 viral Confused on the last one? Never… Read More
New Picture of Wikus from District 9 July 22, 2009Sony Pictures has released a new picture of Wikus (played by Sharlto Copley) from District 9: Initial reactions from the forum seem to be that his ‘weapon’ is an alien spray-type of thing, a flamethrower, or both. Forum member and staff writer Scott points out that the canister on top… Read More
District 9 Interview Videos July 23, 2009January 16, 2010If you head over to, you will see they have loaded up videos of 6 new interviews. However, this time they look to be interviewing people OUTSIDE of Johannesburg, and none of them seem to care for the Non-Humans. I apologize, but I can’t get them to not auto-run. Read More
WOW! This REALLY BLEW ME AWAY! Especially the UP mash-up! It really looked as if it was Inception! LOL that they used Ellen Page’s voice for Russell 🙂