Knight and Day Interactive Trailer Lets You Help Tom Cruise Fight Bad Guys Dan Koelsch, June 18, 2010August 5, 2010 I’ve been a little harsh on Tom Cruise lately. Well, technically I’ve been hard on his new film, Knight and Day, for its attempts at making viral videos. However, I do have to say that the film looks fantastic, and we’re just now starting to hear reviews that match that prediction. As part of their final push, 20th Century Fox has released an interactive trailer. The “Interactive Game Enabled Movie Trailer” allows players to gain points as they help Roy (Tom Cruise) make narrow escapes and battle a seemingly endless stream of attackers. The faster and more accurately a player completes a task, the higher their score will be. The player’s “game health” is tracked, and if their skills aren’t up to the task, the screen darkens and ultimately cracks. Players’ final scores can be shared with other intrepid “agents” via Facebook and Twitter. Try it for yourself on or the film’s website, and let us know what you think of it. Film Synopsis: In KNIGHT AND DAY, Tom Cruise is a covert agent and Cameron Diaz is a woman caught between him and those he claims set him up. As their globetrotting adventure erupts into a maze of double-crosses, close escapes, false identities, and head-spinning romantic snafus, they come to realize that all they can count on is each other. Knight and Day is in theaters on June 23rd. Social Networks Viral Marketing Interactive TrailerKnight and DayTom CruiseTrailer
Social Media Monthly: September September 7, 2012Welcome to our only monthly feature here on MovieViral. A day or two ahead of time, we’ll list the various social media accounts (specifically Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for now) for all the major theatrical releases each month. We hope that this allows you to follow your favorite films more… Read More
Viral Video: Seinfeld Trailer for George Drama May 2, 2010As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, I love it when people re-cut movies to make trailers portraying them as something very different (i.e. Sleepless in Seattle as a stalker thriller). Canadian Youtuber “lorocker” has done just that with the classic TV show Seinfeld, creating a trailer that turns it into… Read More
Swing into Action with “The Amazing Spider-Man” Augmented Reality App! May 10, 2012May 10, 2012Coinciding with the release of the the new trailer launch for The Amazing Spider-Man, Sony Pictures Entertainment has launched a free mobile application, The Amazing Spider-Man Augmented Reality App! The application allows fans to get up close and personal with Spider-Man in online and real world environments by finding specially… Read More