Get Buried At Comic-Con! Dan Koelsch, July 17, 2010 Lionsgates’ Buried may not come out in theaters until October 8th, but next week you could have a chance to feel what it’s like to be buried alive yourself thanks to the Lionsgate Booth at Comic-Con. Check out the special website made to promote the experience, and watch the trailer after the break. So far we don’t have any details, but if it’s the experience it promises, it might be pretty intense. Comic-Con Conventions Events Viral Marketing BuriedComic-ConLionsgate
42 Entertainment Is NOT Working On “The Dark Knight Rises” Viral Campaign (Updated x2) June 2, 2011June 3, 2011UPDATE: Hit the jump to read an important update to this story! Briefly: While this may not come as a surprise (based on quality and Peter from /Film even mentioning it in a tweet yesterday), we have gotten confirmation from a source that choses to remain anonymous that 42 Entertainment… Read More
Conventions Dragon Con 2013: Press Interview With Michael Rooker of “The Walking Dead” And “Guardians of the Galaxy” September 27, 2013During our recent convention coverage at the 2013 Dragon Con event held in Atlanta, MovieViral was lucky enough to be a part of a press interview with the charismatic and fun-loving Michael Rooker. He talked about a lot of things including his role of Merle on The Walking Dead, his… Read More
Viral Video Trend: Remixes January 13, 2010January 21, 2010Thanks to the wonders of technology, it is easier than ever to edit video and showcase your talents online. We’ve seen these editing skills in all sorts of ways, with my particular being recut movie trailers to make them look like another genre (check out this Sleepless in Seattle horror… Read More