Dan Was BURIED at Comic-Con Scott Caldwell, July 21, 2010July 21, 2010 We recently found out about the BURIED experience at Comic-Con that involves people………. alright. Whatever! It’s Dan, buried, in a box, in San Diego, CA. Take a look! This post is short, and sweet, and you can tell by my reflection in the video, it’s boosted all the way from NY! Oh, and what the hell is with the Kill Bill punch!?!? Comic-Con Conventions Events Viral Marketing BuriedComic-Con
Watch The Office Employees Talk About The Olympics February 22, 2010February 22, 2010NBC may be getting a lot of flack lately for (amongst other things) their tape delayed coverage of the 2010 Winter Olympics, but they are definitely promoting the heck out of it. Check out their latest cross promotion involving a little paper company after the jump. Read More
“TRON: Legacy” Shop Opens In Los Angeles For Limited Time November 4, 2010November 4, 2010If you just can’t get enough Tron in your life, and you live in Southern California, then you’re in luck. Disney will be opening a store in Culver City dedicated to all things Tron. Opening November 19th and running until just after the theatrical release of TRON: Legacy, the “TRON:… Read More
Sherlock Holmes: To know, to dare, to will, to keep silence… August 21, 2009June 6, 2010Yesterday on twitter @wbpictures posted a link to a Sherlock Holmes related viral website. The website displayed a video after typing in the password IRENE, which is the name of one of the characters. Evidently the words spoken are a direct quote from a book by Éliphas Lévi called Transcendental… Read More