Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Viral Posters! Scott Caldwell, August 6, 2010August 26, 2010 With the release of the film just a handful of days away, and already a giant Comic-Con buzz surrounding Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, creating a viral campaign honestly was never needed. In fact, they haven’t really come close to the standard campaign. They had a contest, a “create yourself”, and some Facebook chatter, but nothing too exciting other than word o mouth. Until now! Keep reading to see what character is being used to sell the film in movie poster format. As you know, Scott Pilgrim has to defeat the seven evil exes to be with Ramona, and the one that screams viral, is Chris Evans’ (aka, Captain America) character, Lucas Lee. Why? Well, he’s an actor (in the film) so what’s greater than having yourself plastered on a movie poster? Being plastered on five movie posters! Take a look at Universal’s wonderfully tag lined posters! (Click each thumbnail for larger view) This is very similar to when Funny People released posters for Adam Sandler’s character as well. A pretty late entry to the marketing, especially considering TV spots are the usual last week attack, but I don’t see there being a problem. If this film is what they say it is, then Scott Pilgrim vs. The Summer Box Office shouldn’t be an issue (except Inception)Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is in theaters August 13thSource: Screenrant Viral Marketing Viral News Comic-ConPosterScott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Monster High Music Video Terrorizes YouTube August 14, 2010Monster High is a web series from Mattel based on their line of fashion dolls of the same name. The characters/dolls are teen versions of classic monsters, such as Frankie Stein and Draculaura. The short episodes are mildly popular on YouTube, but the music video created for the theme song… Read More
Infographic Shows How to Ninja-Proof Your House April 2, 2013We’ve already showed you how to Zombie-proof your house, but how can you protect your home against ninjas? Movoto Real Estate has got it all figured out. Check out the infographic after the break to get some tips. Read More
Take an Interactive 360° Tour of “Frankenweenie” Set June 30, 2012June 30, 2012On October 5th, Tim Burton turns his short Frankenweenie into an 3D black-and-white stop motion-animated feature film. Frankenweenie is about a boy who brings his dog back to life, but it has unintentional consequences. Disney has released an interactive video that gives you a 360° tour of the set, where… Read More