Restoring Truthiness: Colbert Announces He’ll Have an Announcement If Stewart Announces an Announcement Nick Butler, September 7, 2010October 18, 2011 Yes, you read that correctly. Stephen Colbert announced on “The Colbert Report” that if Jon Stewart announces his announcement that he said he would announce on “The Daily Show,” then Stephen Colbert will announce an even more important announcement at a date to be announced. Now take a deep breath. Colbert is referring to the online movement to get him to host a “Restoring Truthiness” rally in Washington, D.C. More about this announced announcement after the jump.Want the slightly less babbled version? On tonights episode of “The Daily Show” Jon Stewart said he’d be making an announcement about an event in the near-but-not-so-near future, adding that it may be “the most important announcement in human history.” He said this event may “change not just this nation, but the history of this nation – past, present, and future” and added that it will even “change cats into dogs.”Stephen Colbert responded on “The Colbert Report” saying “I will not be out announced,” and he went on to add that “if Jon Stewart makes an important announcement, I will make an even more important counter-announcement.”This all reminds me of when Stephen Colbert announced he may announce something on his show in 2007, and that was teasing an eventual Presidential run. Either way, it looks like we’ll have to wait a bit longer to see if this Restoring Truthiness rally will ever actually happen.Check out for the latest on this movement and join the 100,000 Strong to Restore Truthiness group on Facebook. Events Social Networks Viral News Colbert RallyColbert ReportDaily ShowJon StewartRestoring TruthinessStephen Colbert
Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Updates February 14, 2012March 21, 2012If you’ve been following along, a twitter account for the new The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign, Mark of the Spider-Man, was created and sent out coordinates for several U.S. cities late last week. Following the coordinates, players found Peter Parker’s backpack full of different items, including running shoes and the… Read More
Comic-Con Live Blog: Universal Panel (Paul and Cowboys & Aliens) July 24, 2010November 27, 2010Universal looks to make a splash at Comic-Con with their panel featuring cast, crew, and clips from Paul and Cowboys & Aliens. Join us as we live blog the event, scheduled to start at 4:45PM PT. Read More
‘The Social Network’ Website Fully Launched August 31, 2010August 30, 2010The official website for David Fincher’s The Social Network started as just a teaser poster. On Monday, the website launched and debuted 46 new photos. It also has a unique design that plays a bit on the film’s plot about the creation of Facebook. Take a look at a few… Read More
I hope he runs for president again!!But even hearing him give a speech about restoring truthiness. Ah, the voice of the anti-Beck he is… It truly is about time that America stood up for truthiness, and gave unto their country… Whatever the hell Colbert is potentially going to talk about…And in other news: Jon Stewart beat Stephen at the Emmys again (no surprise)