Paranormal Activity 2 Site Updated With Secrets In Trailer Kris, September 14, 2010 The first Paranormal Activity had a strong viral campaign that pretty much made the film’s success, so it’s no surprise there will be creepy things to find in the marketing for its sequel. It may have taken a few days, but here’s every secret in the new trailer so far. The website has been updated with at first looks to be the original trailer, but at closer inspection offers up some extra clues. Dread Central has taken good screen captures of the updated trailer. We already know about the text “What is happening to Hunter”, which we assume in regards to the baby that disappears but still shows in the mirror. All the new images revolve around the baby as well. The dancing figure in the above photo is pretty creepy. Eventually we get to see close ups of the baby. One is of it crying (never seen that before, right?) and the other is a black and white ghostly close up. Frankly, I want to know a) who that guy is and b) why green nails? As far as audio goes, “Hunter” is spoken in reverse when the video is playing backward. All of the other new soundbits are unknown but safe to say that it points to the baby, just like everything else. If you find any more secrets, feel free to let us know. Paranormal Activity 2 opens October 22d. Viral Marketing paranormal activityTrailer
Tron Legacy – Video Game November 25, 2009November 25, 2009What do you get when you take a film that’s based on real life video games and make it a video game? A video game! That’s exactly what you’ll get with the release of Tron. Notice it’s missing the “Legacy” part. Perhaps it’s not solely based on the movie. Maybe… Read More
Disney’s ‘Frozen’ Sing-Along Coming To Theaters January 28, 2014“I don’t know if I’m elated or gassy but I’m somewhere in that zone”, was definitely the reaction that I had when the news broke that Frozen was coming back to theaters in sing-along form. Many fans of Disney’s recent high grossing picture have gone over and over again to… Read More
Adult Swim Announces Annual San Diego Comic-Con Invasion June 28, 2013For the past few years, Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim has had a big presence at San Diego Comic-Con both inside and outside the convention center. This year is no different, as the network has a slew of panels and fun events planned. Read all about it in their press release… Read More
the little loading boxes say “hunter”, this movie is going to be great ll these clues keep me anticipated.