Demand To See “Paranormal Activity 2” First and For Free Dan Koelsch, September 20, 2010September 26, 2010 Oren Peli’s Paranormal Activity had a unique trip to its $108 million domestic gross last year. Paramount bought the distribution rights after the $15,000 horror flick made the film festival rounds, but didn’t give it a wide release for its theatrical debut in September. However, the possible audience response got the studio to use Eventful’s “Demand It” feature, and a month later was making over $20 million a weekend. Now the “Demand It” tool is being used again for the sequel, but in a different way. Get the details after the break. Paramount is using Eventful to find 20 cities to that will get a free screening of Paranormal Activity 2. There’s not many more details on the screenings, including the dates, but Paramount and Eventful are advertising it as early screenings (“You decide who sees it first!”). Right now the obvious metro areas are in the lead (#1 is LA, #2 is New York, etc.), but with less than 3,000 entries for even the top spot, you could get your area in the running with just a little effort. So, if you want an early free screening, spread the word. Otherwise, you can see Paranormal Activity 2 in theaters on October 22nd. Viral Marketing Demand ItEventfulParamountparanormal activityParanormal Activity 2
AMC’s Mad Men and Breaking Bad Characters Have Twitters! June 20, 2010June 20, 2010AMC (American Movie Channel) has become a powerhouse of a TV channel with their award winning shows Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Both critically acclaimed and arguably some of the best shows on TV not only now, but in a long time and with their extensive fan bases, it’s no surprise AMC reached… Read More
You Can Get George A. Romero a Well Deserved Star October 2, 2012October 2, 2012It’s October. The simple fact of the matter for movie buffs is that October brings one thing. No, not love stories of corduroy fashions and multibuttoned sweaters with acorns and leaves. It brings us horror. This is the month of Halloween. No other month has such a dedication to respect… Read More
CW “Arrow” Star Stephen Amell Tweets Viral Website March 25, 2013The CW’s new hit series Arrow is a gritty adaptation of the DC Comics character Green Arrow. The actor playing the archer, Stephen Amell tweeted a link today that takes you to a viral website. Get the details after the break. Read More