Amazon Launches New Collaborative Studio of The Future Kris, November 18, 2010 has always been the most efficient, secure, and cheapest shopping website you could find. Trust me, I know, I’ve been with them for years and have never been disappointed. Now it seems I never will; Amazon has made a new system for filmmakers and writers who want to get into the business easily and effectively. How is this done? Find out after the jump.’s new studio, simply called “Amazon Studios,” is a new way of getting movies made from people who want to break into the harsh business of filmmaking. Instead of going the traditional and often well-known difficult route of making a movie, Amazon Studios (partnered with Warner Bros. Pictures) is using a more open and collaborative method. Seeing as how modern day computers transfer large documents all the time and we are in constant communication, why not just upload a script or test film to a studio, adding a possible project? Simple and easy, and that’s what Amazon Studios’s goal is. The informative video is a good introduction with quick puns and a brief overview of how they work. You’re basically part of a community working together by submitting either a script or test film. You can get feedback from fellow moviemakers and win monthly and/or yearly contests that result in thousands to millions of cash. Writers can submit a script, filmmakers can use those scripts to make a test film or a complete feature film, and critics can….well, criticize on it all. Personally, I’m very happy about this. Networks like Hukilau and Amazon Studios are making it easier get a movie made. It doesn’t cost anything to submit, and you can only go up from there. this is Filmmaking of the 21st century, and I’m loving it. I’m going to join in and participate, so I hope you guys will to! Oh, and Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity have proven that a viral campaign helps. Social Networks Viral Marketing AmazonAmazon StudiosCrowdsourcingHukilauWarner Bros
New Viral Posters for “Total Recall” Include Anti-Rekall Group June 20, 2012July 8, 2012Earlier this month, posters for the fictional company Rekall began popping up in Hollywood and likely other cities. The posters link to the memory vacation company at the heart of Total Recall. SuperHeroHype found more posters online, including one with star Colin Farrell for No Rekall, the group that is… Read More
Read Castle’s Twitter Story “The Case of the Fallen Angel” September 19, 2010October 18, 2011This year’s Comic-Con panel for ABC’s hit show Castle revealed a new Twitter narrative titled “The Case of the Fallen Angel”. The show has been using the Twitter account regularly for title character Richard Castle since the first season, and even had a similar narrative during last year’s summer break…. Read More
“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” Victory Tour Posters May Lead To Viral Campaign February 26, 2013Though these poster have been out for quite some time, it is important to acknowledge the viral potential it has. The new victory posters for Lionsgate’s The Hunger Games: Catching Fire are out, and if you are familiar with the novel, then you will recognize immediately that the Victory Tour… Read More