“Jackass” Guys Spoof “Inception” For Critics’ Choice Movie Awards Dan Koelsch, January 13, 2011 Johnny Knoxville and the rest of the Jackass gang are making parody videos for all the Best Picture nominees at this year’s Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, which airs tomorrow night on VH1. First up is their spoof of Inception, which I have to say falls flat for me. Let us know what you think in the comments after the break, which is where you can find said video.Critics’ Choice |Movie Awards |Critics’ Choice Video |Celebrity News Source: /Film Viral Marketing Viral Videos InceptionJackass 3DparodyViral video
Viral Marketing Check Out The “TRON: Legacy” Light Show In Norway December 13, 2010Disney is pulling out all the stops in promoting Friday’s theatrical opening of TRON: Legacy around the world. Last weekend saw a projection light show in London, and now the Mouse House has put on another light show in Norway, this time at the Indekshuset building in Oslo. Check out… Read More
“Real Steel” Starts a Viral Campaign March 15, 2011June 16, 2011Promotions for Walt Disney Pictures’ upcoming rock em’ sock em’ robots film Real Steel has been quiet as of late. Perhaps one of the reasons why is that rather than releasing clips or a new trailer the studio has gone forward with a viral marketing campaign. Marketing has started at… Read More
Yet Another 2012 Sweepstakes: This Time Win 2,012 Free Songs November 4, 2009November 4, 2009Sony REALLY wants you to know that 2012 is coming out this month, so we have yet another contest by the studio. This time, instead of giving away Sony electronics like usual, you get a more interesting prize: 2012 free songs on iTunes. Not “2012” songs, but a quantity of… Read More