“Apollo 18” Viral Updated With Two New Images, But What’s The Password? Dan Koelsch, January 17, 2011January 17, 2011 Alright MovieViralites (copyright pending), we need your help on this one. The Apollo 18 subpage Cosmonauts has been updated again with two new images, but the password to access them has changed (for the previous images, it was “apollosoyuz”). Let us know in the comments if you figure it out. For details on the movie and its viral campaign, check out our Apollo 18 Viral Page. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Apollo 18
Create a LOST Fan Promo and Get On TV! March 2, 2010The series finale of ABC’s LOST is just over two months away, and the network is celebrating by letting you, the fans, create your own promo for the event. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of YouTube videos made by fans by cutting together clips, and now those “artists” can get… Read More
Viral Marketing Yoda Interviewed By ESPN Anchor For Star Wars Character Tournament March 14, 2014StarWars.com is running its This is Madness: Star Wars Character Tournament again this year. Last year Yoda beat out Darth Vader by 60% of the vote to become tournament champion. Will he be triumphant again in 2014? ESPN’s Max Kellerman interviews Yoda to get his insight on this year’s playing… Read More
LOST Season Six Premiere “LA X” Recap and Review February 3, 2010April 13, 2010Finally, it’s here… LOST‘s season 6 premiered tonight on ABC, but not before an hour long recap of the events that happened in the 5 previous seasons. Narrated by Michael Emerson who plays Ben Linus, former leader of the Others, on the show, we’re filled in with what has all happened so… Read More