Does New “Apollo 18” Document Show Signs of Extraterrestrial Life? (Updated) Dan Koelsch, January 23, 2011January 26, 2011 Once again we are blessed with a new document in the viral campaign for Apollo 18. Using the same password as last time (“VBG”), you can access the newest secret image on the film’s Cosmonauts subpage. What could this one mean? Let’s explore after the break. (Update at bottom) The last last update took us off our chronological storyline of the build up to launching Apollo 18 by giving us text about alien life and how it should impact space travel. Now we look to be a little more on course, as we yet another “sensitive” document. In it, a note is written to “Roberto” on some kind of data sheet with a series of numbers spaced out in a grid. It comes from SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), which at the time was at least partially funded by the US Government. The unknown person who wrote the note and pulled the data sheets is saying that they’ve found a radio signal that does not correlate with regular space anomalies. The signal looks to have been received on April 4th, 1972 and lasted for 2 minutes and 23 seconds before going silent. The data seems to support that this is an intelligent extraterrestrial radio signal, though those numbers don’t mean much to me at all, including the circled ones. Could those be part of some code? The image’s name, the number “020233100”, is on the document itself, which leads me to believe that is important as well, though again, I am not sure how. Take a look for yourself and let us know if you can figure out any hidden clues or meanings. Apollo 18 opens in theaters on April 22, 2011. For more information on the film and its viral campaign, check out our Apollo 18 Viral Page. UpdateUnfiction forum member Minz has been able to decipher a bit more from the document, including where the signal may be coming from. As someone already posted somewhere on the net*, the image is a SETI signal sheet showing a signal spike similar to the wow signal. the numbers and letters are the signal intensity. – a space is a signal from 0-1 – numbers 1-9 are weak signals – letters signify stronger signals than numbers. A being low intensity and Z being high intensity as you can also read here :!_signalSo basically they got an “alien” signal spike on 04/04/1972 at the celestial coordinates 10h 35min 48,6sec ; -26deg 36min 48,6 secLooking at these coordinates on the day specified you can find that the moon had these celestial coordinates during the time of mesurement.And thus we get another clue that there are aliens on the moon 😉 ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Apollo 18
Back to Work: Viral Marketing in The Office August 30, 2009August 30, 2009Like many, I am a huge fan of NBC’s The Office. Season six of the award winning comedy begins September 17th, and I thought it would be helpful to highlight some of the viral goodies on display for fans that need a fix before the premiere… More than any other… Read More
2012: San Diego Drop Findings October 12, 2009October 13, 2009Update: You can download the pictures here. It’s just more schematics of Noah’s Ark 2.0. Once again, the guys at Unfiction have come through for us. Today there was yet another drop for the 2012 viral, this time in San Diego. There were the same the items again (phone, flash… Read More
Check Out All The Tron Legacy Banners Released So Far July 19, 2010July 19, 2010As we have briefly mentioned before, Disney has been releasing Tron Legacy billboard banners periodically throughout the year. In fact, Disney bought out a billboard in Los Angeles for the entire year just to promote this film. Click through to see all seven billboard images so far, including the most… Read More
The letters and numbers show a signal that gradually increases in strength. The deeper into the alphabet, the stronger the signal. Note how the signal increases in strength – 9 H T U – then drops off as the antenna sweeps away – K 8. This signal is akin to the “Wow!” signal that occured back in 1977 – you can find out more information about this signal here:!_signal