“Apollo 18” T-Minus Checklist Revealed Dan Koelsch, January 28, 2011 On the 25th anniversary of the Challenger accident, we get the latest document image from the Apollo 18 viral campaign. the file is called “sa514”, and it is a T-Minus Checklist for a launch involving the Saturn V rocket SA-514, which according to real history, was the first of two unused Saturn V rockets from the cancelled Apollo missions. Take a look at the Top Secret document after the break. I don’t see anything special with the document, though a midnight launch time seems a bit unusual. This could be done for secrecy, though I think a lot of people would still see a rocket being launched at night from Santa Barbara.Let us know in the comments below if you catch anything of interest in the document. For more information on the campaign, check out our Apollo 18 Viral Page. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Apollo 18
“The Walking Dead” Uses Viral Marketing Zombies To Prank NYC February 6, 2014February 6, 2014First it was the psychic in the coffee shop, then it was the demon baby terrorizing bystanders, now in anticipation of The Walking Dead coming back, the folks over at AMC prepared a frightful surprise for the citizens of New York City. Looks as though unsuspecting pedestrians have had run-ins… Read More
Transformers 2 DVD: The Optimus Prime Experience October 20, 2009October 13, 2012Augmented reality has become all the rage for summer movies this year, and now Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has joined the fray for its home release. Star Trek and District 9 both included so-called “augmented reality” activities as part of their marketing campaign for the films’ theatrical release. Augmented… Read More
A New Batch of Surrogates Posters July 31, 2009July 31, 2009Busy day. IGN has posted some new billboards that are soon to hit the streets and show off the surrogates that you too can have as your very own! Especially if you want to look like Beckham or Angelina. Human Perfection. What Could Go Wrong? Well, when your innards are… Read More