Watch the “Galaxy Quest” Mockumentary Online Dan Koelsch, February 6, 2011 Galaxy Quest is one of my favorite space comedies, as it perfectly parodies the Star Trek universe without trashing it. The film is about over-the-hill actors from a Star Trek-like TV series (called Galaxy Quest, of course) who have to go a real-life space adventure. Just before the film was released in 1999, E! aired a special called “GalaxyQuest: 20th Anniversary The Journey Continues”, which was a mockumentary about the fictional series, in which everyone is in-character. io9 found the whole thing uploaded online, so you can watch it all below! Viral Marketing Viral Videos Galaxy QuestViral video
How to Ruin a Viral: Make It “Official” May 27, 2009July 18, 2010What’s the best way to ruin a viral for a film? Slap the film’s logo on it. Read More
All New 2012 Trailer June 18, 2009June 18, 2009Just a few minutes ago, the all new trailer for 2012 dropped on yahoo movies. Let me tell you one thing. This movie looks AWESOME. Boy, do I love me some CGI-Fest films. This one looks to top everything else in the ‘Cool stuff ILM Made’ category. Well, I know… Read More
Contests “Doctor Who” Informercial For TARDIS December 26, 2010December 26, 2010The BBC’s hit show Doctor Who has a pretty big cult following, so the contest they are doing is a perfect fit. The contest, hosted at, asks you the fan to create your own TARDIS (the time machine from the show), place it in a public location, and upload… Read More