Watch the “Galaxy Quest” Mockumentary Online Dan Koelsch, February 6, 2011 Galaxy Quest is one of my favorite space comedies, as it perfectly parodies the Star Trek universe without trashing it. The film is about over-the-hill actors from a Star Trek-like TV series (called Galaxy Quest, of course) who have to go a real-life space adventure. Just before the film was released in 1999, E! aired a special called “GalaxyQuest: 20th Anniversary The Journey Continues”, which was a mockumentary about the fictional series, in which everyone is in-character. io9 found the whole thing uploaded online, so you can watch it all below! Viral Marketing Viral Videos Galaxy QuestViral video
Does Newest Viral Video For “They’re Here” Give Clues? September 27, 2010The mystery surrounding the upcoming film They’re Here is really coming to fervor as the countdown to October 10th runs out in less than two weeks. We know almost nothing about the film, other than it looks to be independently made in Europe, and it’s most likely about an alien… Read More
“Captain America: The First Avenger” Meets Team America Part II March 25, 2011March 26, 2011Super Bowl XLV gave us our first look at Captain America: The First Avenger, but the T.V. spot was a bit too fast and movie goers who are awaiting the film’s release felt that it wasn’t given the justice it deserved. Youtube user CelticPredator created a parody of that T.V…. Read More
MNU Really Wants You To Stay Away From Aliens May 31, 2009May 1, 2010Both on our sister site District9news and our own forum, we mentioned over a week ago the billboard that showed up with the phone number to call if you see an aliens. When you call the number, it’s just an automated message where you can say whatever you want. The… Read More