Watch Wayne and Garth Talk About the Academy Awards Michael Lee, February 7, 2011February 7, 2011 You may have seen the cast of Jackass reenact scenes spoof Black Swan, just one of the ten Academy Award nominees for best picture, you may have seen kids reenact scenes from five of those nominees, and you have seen plenty of behind the scenes videos, but you haven’t seen what Wayne and Garth has done about this year’s Academy Awards. Hit the jump to see who they think will win the top awards.Saturday usually means it is SNL, it just so happens that it was a new episode hosted by Dana Carvey. This included a surprise appearance by Mike Myers, which allowed the duo to reprise their roles as Wayne and Garth.In this skit offered some of their insight into this year’s Academy Awards. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Academy AwardsBlack SwanSNLWayne's WorldWinter's Bone
South Park Episode Sparks ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’ April 26, 2010May 3, 2010After over 200 episodes in 14 seasons, Comedy Central’s South Park still has the ability to ruffle feathers and create cultural chaos. In their latest episode, titled “200”, has a subplot that features the prophet Mohammed (also spelled Muhammad), the most important figure in Islamic faith next to Allah himself…. Read More
New Film Clip Revealed Through Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Campaign February 18, 2012March 21, 2012Mark of the Spider-Man, Sony’s viral campaign for The Amazing Spider-Man, has been in full swing this past week by having fans in six locations “tag” walls with Spider-Man graffiti. Now that all locations are finished, what’s next? How about a clip from the film itself? Read More
SNL Parodies “The Black Swan” January 11, 2011I know, we’re a bit late on this, but with the MovieViral Awards and site redesign, we’ve been a little busy. In case you haven’t heard, Jim Carrey hosted Saturday Night Live this weekend, and he did a pretty funny skit that spoofs Black Swan. Check it out after the… Read More