Which Super Bowl Trailers Got the Most Buzz? Dan Koelsch, February 7, 2011 With a bevy of 30 second trailers debuting last night during the Super Bowl (all of which you can watch here), the question remains of which ones had the most impact. Our friends at HeyUGuys found an infographic from Way to Blue that calculates which TV spots generated the most buzz on Twitter. Check it out after the break. It’s no surprise that the first trailer ever for Captain America would win the day, but Super 8‘s poor showing puts its theatrical success in doubt unless they can get more attention. Abrams himself acknowledged this recently. Social Networks Viral Marketing Captain AmericaSuper 8Super Bowl
Marvel Giving Fans A 17-Minute Preview Of ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy” In IMAX; New Poster Revealed June 27, 2014June 27, 2014Well this pretty much guarantees that Guardians of the Galaxy won’t be at Comic-Con this year. Not too long after a Guardians of the Galaxy preview debuts at Disneyland on July 4th, Marvel Studios has announced that a 17 minute preview of the film will be hitting 150 IMAX screens… Read More
Mark of the Spider-Man: Peter Parker’s Backpack Found and More April 25, 2012The viral campaign for The Amazing Spider-Man has heated back up after a month on hiatus. The Mark of the Spider-Man website has gotten ahold of Peter Parker’s backpack, and there are some interesting clues inside. Get the details after the jump. Read More
“Labor Day” Instagram Contest Wants You To Define Love January 21, 2014Jason Reitman‘s Labor Day takes a look at what happens when a reclusive mother (Kate Winslet) falls in love with a wanted fugitive (Josh Brolin) during the Labor Day weekend. What was suppose to be a regular day of shopping for school supplies turns into an unlikely hostage situation with… Read More