Apollo 18: Big Announcement Tomorrow and Decoder Game Continues Dan Koelsch, February 16, 2011February 17, 2011 We haven’t heard much in the past few weeks from Apollo 18, but now we may know why. Also, the film’s Twitter page has been aflutter with a contest that can give you some cool moon-based (no pun intended) prizes. Get the details after the break. Both the Facebook and Twitter pages for the Weinstein Company sci-fi thriller have posted updates today saying “Get ready for a big ‘Apollo 18’ announcement tomorrow!”. What could this be? I’m guessing a trailer since the film comes in just over 2 months (April 22nd). Keep an eye out on the official website and YouTube page for the film tomorrow. Since the beginning of the month, the Apollo 18 Twitter account has been hosting a “Decoder Giveaway Game”, where they periodically post a alphanumeric code that you have to decipher. The winners get some great nerdy prizes like these listed below.•1 Remote Control Moon in My Room – $29.95 •1 When We Left Earth, The NASA Missions DVD Set – $39.99 •1 Moon Machines (DVD) – $24.98The contest ends on February 22nd, and you get the full details and rules here. We’ll bring you the big announcement tomorrow, so stay tuned! UPDATERead about the announcement here. ARGs & Campaigns Contests News Social Networks Viral Marketing Apollo 18ContestsTwitter
Donald Glover Campaigns for Spider-Man Role May 31, 2010May 31, 2010Comedian and actor Donald Glover (Mystery Team, NBC’s Community) has started a viral campaign to get him an audition for the role of Peter Parker in the new Spider-Man film. Glover has taken to the social marketing streets (i.e. Facebook and Twitter) and is already seeing a lot of support…. Read More
“Captain America” Continues Odd Promotional Campaign With Dunkin’ Donuts Partnership July 3, 2011A couple weeks back, we covered a Captain America: The First Avenger viral website, “Hunt the Red Skull,” that was launched in conjunction with the film’s promotional partnership with Wrigley’s chewing gum products. It appears Marvel has reached out further to eating establishments, and launched an even larger campaign with… Read More
2012: Missing Persons and Puzzles November 9, 2009November 9, 2009A new video on Soren’s blog shows us a worried Ulfert who has lost touch with the Corruption Theorist. In a post from CT titled Going Fishing, we get the following brief and subtle message that they are moving in for the kill. The time has come for decisive action…. Read More