“Threat Level Midnight” Website Goes Live After Latest ‘The Office’ Episode Alex Gerage, February 19, 2011 If you have seen the latest episode of The Office, then you’re well aware of “Threat Level Midnight.” Michael Scott’s decade long film project about fictional secret agent Michael Scarn finally had its big premiere this past Thursday. In typical NBC fashion, a viral website for the film has been launched in conjunction with the episode that has the sort of goodies you would expect from any Great Scott Films production. Hit the jump for more.NBC went all out with the content for ThreatLevelMidnight.com. The site comes complete with a trailer, cast bios, downloads (including pages from the original script – nice touch), and deleted scenes. My favorite inclusion though is a video that teaches you how to do “The Scarn,” a dance that I expect will be a mainstay at weddings and proms for years to come. For those who haven’t seen the latest episode of the show, and have no idea what “Threat Level Midnight” is, here is a synopsis from the homepage:Secret Agent Michael Scarn was a downright god – preventing all sorts of All-Star Game bombings and marrying the hottest woman on the planet, Catherine Zeta Scarn. But when he failed to stop his arch-nemesis Goldenface from blowing up the WNBA All-Star game and murdering his beloved wife, Scarn retires from the FBI to live the life of a mild-mannered paper salesman. That is until President Jackson calls him in for an All-Star mission he can’t refuse. It’s got action, it’s got heart, it’s got symbolism… it’s Threat Level Midnight.Although I felt this episode of The Office didn’t have a ton of laughs, I loved it for the way it allowed fans to revisit so many of the show’s past characters, including Karen, Roy, Jan, and Todd Packer. It also makes it really difficult to not love Michael Scott, and realizing his run on the show is nearing an end makes this personal showcase all the more worthwhile. “Threat Level Midnight” is available for download on iTunes right now, so check it out and let us know what you think in the comments section. The Office airs Thursday nights on NBC.Watch the trailer and “The Scarn” dance video below. Viral Marketing Viral Videos NBCThe OfficeThreat Level Midnight
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