Check Out These Hip Hop Remixes From “Moon” Dan Koelsch, February 23, 2011 Duncan Jones’ Moon is a pyschological thriller that combines the creepiness and quiet of both space and loneliness. The music composed by Clint Mansell fits the 2009 film beautifully, and now “remixist” Max Tannone has done his thing to the score, along with some bits of dialogue from the movie’s lead Sam Rockwell. Listen to how it turns out after the break. The five songs feature Brooklyn rapper Richard Rich and obviously change the original meaning of the music, but I still think it sounds pretty decent. What do you think?Selene by Max Tannone Source: Screened Viral News MoonMusicRemix
J.K. Rowling Adds Another Harry Potter Story To Pottermore July 8, 2014July 8, 2014Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows marked the end of a legendary run of Young Adult novels. The series of novels closed with the titular character and friends having aged, matured, and watching a new generation learning different forms of magic and wizardary. Now with his own family to take… Read More
Short Film Round Up: “Star Wars Bounty Hunter”, “3 Minutes”, and “The Trashmaster” January 12, 2011The last day or so I’ve seen a few cool short films, so I thought I’d do a round up to feature them all. First, we have a 20 minute Star Wars film from Aaron Burke titled Star Wars Bounty Hunter, which features more Boba Fett than the entire original… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Looper, Toy Story 3, The Amazing Spider-Man, And More! September 30, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More