Nerd Herd To Open Shop At Comic-Con (Updated) Dan Koelsch, April 11, 2011April 13, 2011 Briefly: San Diego Comic-Con 2011 may still be over three months away, but we just got word from Chuck himself that the NBC show will feature its fictional Geek Squad-ish Nerd Herd at the convention in the form of their “own building in downtown SD”. We’ll try to find out what it entails, and of course we’ll cover it live during the festivities. [via /Film] (Update after the break) UPDATE: It looks like this was a misunderstanding. Zachary Levi’s Nerd Machine merchandising line will be setting up shop at Comic-Con. Comic-Con Conventions Events Viral Marketing ChuckComic-ConNBC
New District 9 Videos on YouTube June 24, 2009July 3, 2009So, I’m surfing YouTube at 1:00 AM and I notice that Sony Pictures has an MNU video on their YouTube page. Then I go to their page and realize there are actually three new District 9 videos in the last 24 hours. Here are all three videos: The first video… Read More
Chris Klein Parodies His Leaked Audition Tape May 27, 2010May 27, 2010Talk about a good sport. Chris Klein has made a video for Funny or Die that parodies a video of his unflattering audition that leaked last week. It’s actually really funny, and seems to prove the original was real, as it looks like he’s trying to make the best of… Read More
Viral Video: Chris Klein Auditions for Mamma Mia May 19, 2010There’s a video that has been on the Internet for only a day and is already spreading like wildfire. In what looks to be real leaked footage, actor Chris Klein (American Pie) auditions for a role in the 2008 musical Mamma Mia, which stars Amanda Seyfried and Meryl Streep. Usually… Read More
More likely we’re talking about Levi’s THE NERD MACHINE clothing line, not the show’s Buy More geeks.