Don’t Just Watch TV, Interact with TV! NBC Goes “Live”! Caleb Hamilton, April 17, 2011April 18, 2011 Last month, NBC began testing a new feature that would allow viewers to interact with other viewers during the shows they were watching. You could play trivia games, vote in polls and more during a live broadcast of The Office, The Celebrity Apprentice or The Biggest Loser. NBC has officially launched this interactive application, NBC Live. You can access NBC Live on NBC’s website or on your iPad in an application available for free in the App Store. Not all NBC shows will work with the NBC Live application though; you’re still limited to the three programs from the beta test, though NBC will be adding one more: The Voice (which premieres on April 26th at 9 PM EST). The app allows fans to engage while watching their favorite shows and can access exclusive content including a moderated social stream, factoids and commentary from show insiders as well as the aforementioned trivia and games.“ is dedicated to engaging fans, and NBC Live is all about connecting with your favorite show and others who love that show as much as you do,” said Vivi Zigler, President of NBCUniversal Digital Entertainment. “We want to provide a place for fans to gather and provide them with unique insider information about each episode as it airs. It creates a live viewing experience that they can’t get anywhere else.”You can view a video demo of the iPad applicaton with The Office’s Rainn Wilson at the NBC Live site. Social Networks Viral Marketing NBCNBC Live
Yet Another 2012 Sweepstakes: This Time Win 2,012 Free Songs November 4, 2009November 4, 2009Sony REALLY wants you to know that 2012 is coming out this month, so we have yet another contest by the studio. This time, instead of giving away Sony electronics like usual, you get a more interesting prize: 2012 free songs on iTunes. Not “2012” songs, but a quantity of… Read More
Real Steel: The Underworld Hacks WRB Website, Shows Us Awesome Robot Street Fights September 9, 2011September 9, 2011Earlier this week, Disney sent out press kits for their upcoming robot boxing movie Real Steel, starring Hugh Jackman. These press kits had a note in them from a group called The Underworld, which turns out to be part of the viral campaign the film has been running. As the… Read More
Super 8: New Print Out On STIES Shows Air Force Base ID Badges November 15, 2010November 16, 2010We last left off on the Scariest Thing I Ever Saw (STIES) website over two weeks ago with a chatlog between Josh Minker and Mr. Anonymous. Now we have a new update in the Super 8 viral, as the most recent print out shows beat-up ID badges from Nellis Air… Read More