“Apollo 18” Gets New Trailer and Release Date, Along With A Space Race Timeline Dan Koelsch, June 24, 2011 The musical chairs game that is Apollo 18‘s release date continues. After previously scheduled openings in March, April, August, and even next January, September 2nd has become the new day the found footage sci fi horror opens in theaters. With the new date comes a new trailer from Yahoo that is leaner and possibly more effective. Check out the trailer after the break, along with a new app on the Apollo 18 Facebook page that could give some clues to the events of the film.The “Missions” app on the Apollo 18 Facebook page has a neat timeline of the Apollo missions and the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted almost 20 years. If you check out the entries on the timeline, there are some clues to how the film’s secret Apollo 18 mission came about. We’ve already learned most of it from the viral campaign, but it’s still worth checking out to see if there’s anything we missed. ARGs & Campaigns Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral Videos Apollo 18FacebookTrailer
Mike Relm Is Back Again With a Tron Legacy Remix August 2, 2010August 2, 2010Mike Relm has made a name for himself when it comes to remixing trailers for popular movies. We’ve featured a few of his works on this site, and Paramount even tapped him to do a TV spot for Iron Man 2 after director Jon Favreau saw his IM2 remix. Now… Read More
Strange Video From Neill Blomkamp Appears on iPads November 23, 2010August 6, 2012It’s a pretty common occurance to see video ads display before opening up an app or watching video on the Apple iPad. However, in the latest iPad version of Wired Magazine (issue 18.12), a mysterious and unexplained video appears instead, and it’s credited by District 9 director Neil Blomkamp. What… Read More
Building Better Superheroes [Infographic] June 9, 2013June 9, 2013Now that we’ve seen different actors play the same superhero in a few major movie franchises, the question remains as to who pulled off the look best. Direct2TV.com decided to tackle that question in an infographic that you can check out after the break. Read More