7 Chances to Get Early Access to “Pottermore”! Caleb Hamilton, July 31, 2011 The final Harry Potter film may be out in theaters, but the story doesn’t end there. JK Rowling unveiled a secret project called Pottermore late last month and promised a chance for fans to gain early access. Starting yesterday, you can become a Pottermore hipster, but it won’t be easy: you’ll have to find the Magical Quill.You may want to brush up on your Harry Potter trivia if you want early access to this online Harry Potter haven. From now until August 6th, a clue will be revealed at the Pottermore website that will lead aspiring wizards (and muggles alike) to a Magical Quill. Once the quill has been found, you must quickly submit your registration info because there will be a limited number of spaces available each day.“What’s the Magical Quill?” those of you, who aren’t die hard Potter fans, may ask? The Pottermore Insider, the site’s official blog, explains it best:The Magical Quill detects the birth of a magical child and writes their name down in a large book. Every year, Professor McGonagall checks the book and sends owls to the children who are turning eleven, to inform them that they have a place at Hogwarts.Each day, a clue will come from one of the books, for example, on Day 1 the clue will come from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and so on.Here’s an example of a clue and how to answer it to find the Quill:How many books are there in the Harry Potter series? Multiply this number by 10.There are of course, 7 books in the series, multiplied by 10 is 70. You will add the answer of the clue to the end of this web address: Quill.Pottermore.com (so, www.quill.pottermore.com/70), and that will take you to the location of the Quill that day (the Quill’s location will change everyday). You must remember that finding the quill WILL NOT guarantee you early access. Be sure to keep an eye on the main Pottermore page as the clues will be posted at random times! Good luck and happy hunting!Pottermore will open to the public this October! Social Networks Viral Marketing Harry PotterPottermore
YouTube Tuesday: Epic Rap Battles of History May 15, 2012May 15, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
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New “Halo: Reach” Live Action Trailer August 18, 2010August 18, 2010The Halo universe has always been about non-stop futuristic action with continuous explosions, deaths, destruction, and drama. The live-action test footage and trailers have shown it well. That is why this Halo: Reach live action action trailers feel so different. Check out more after the jump. Read More