Dimension Films’ “Apollo 18” Lets You Ask UFOlogist Stan Friedman Questions Dan Koelsch, August 24, 2011 Briefly: To help promote their upcoming found footage Sci-Fi thriller Apollo 18, Dimension Films sponsored an IAmA Reddit thread with UFOlogist Stan Friedman, where you could ask him questions related to the film or UFOs. However, the thread quickly got ugly with users attacking Friedman for being part of a promotion, calling him a fraud, and much more. This is one of the negative aspects of viral marketing, since the audience becomes part of it, and you can’t control how they will react. Apollo 18 opens in theaters on September 2nd. Social Networks Viral Marketing Apollo 18RedditStan Friedman
New Moon Trailer May 31, 2009May 1, 2010I know what you’re thinking. Dan, why do you care about New Moon? Well, for one, the Twilight saga books were pretty good. The film fell below it’s potential, but with a bigger budget and new director, I’m hopeful. I also liked the actors who played the characters. So, there’s… Read More
Salt: Day X Exists Mission 2 Now Live May 26, 2010May 26, 2010As we previously reported, Columbia Picture’s Salt, starring Angelina Jolie, has interactive story you can participate at their official website. Every week there is a new mission, last week you were first contacted by Evelyn Salt (Jolie) and forced to lie to your boss. This week your photography skills are… Read More
Viral Video For “Carrie” Catches Telekinetic Experience At Coffee Shop October 7, 2013Sony Pictures’ remake of the horror classic Carrie opens in theaters on October 18th, and it looks like the studio is trying to make one last viral marketing push. A viral video was released today where a prank is set up to make it look like a girl in a… Read More