Like Free Movies? Then ‘Like’ The Muppets! Caleb Hamilton, September 27, 2011 You know you like The Muppets (you may even love them), so why not like them on Facebook? They’re currently running a “Muppet Fan-a-thon” on Facebook to get a bazillion likes (actually 1 billion). Once they reach their goal, you’ll have a chance to win advance screening tickets to the new movie! Just head over to the Muppets’ Facebook fan page and click ‘Like’. The counter is ticking closer and closer, so what are you waiting for!? Watch Jason Segel and Miss Piggy give the announcement on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show after the break. The Muppets will hit theaters this Thanksgiving! Social Networks Viral Marketing DisneyFacebookThe Muppets
Mysterious Harry Potter Website Teases J.K. Rowling’s Equally Mysterious Announcement June 17, 2011Briefly: J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter novels, is expected to make a Potter-related announcement on June 23rd, and it has to do with The website just has a “coming soon” page, but it does link to a YouTube countdown to the announcement. There’s also a Twitter account,… Read More
Guns Depots, Meds, Food, and More Are All Available on the Map of the Dead App April 13, 2012December 27, 2012It’s always good to plan ahead. It will pay tenfold when the zombie apocalypse happens. Even with the fortified shelter, how do you find the necessary supplies to sustain yourself and others? That’s where the Map of the Dead, the latest Zombie Apocalypse Survival App, comes into play. Using the… Read More
King Kong Sightings In Los Angeles Area June 5, 2010He might have been made famous standing atop the Empire State Building in New York City, but it appears King Kong has found a new home in sunny Southern California. In conjunction with the release of the new King Kong 360 3D attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood this summer, a… Read More