Steven Spielberg Hires Unofficial “The Adventures of Tintin” Opening Sequence Animator Michael Lee, October 26, 2011October 26, 2011 A opening title sequence says a lot about a film, besides telling you who directed, edited, stars in etc, the opening title sequences basically sets the tone for the film. From the lighting, camera panning, and music, you will understand the context of what you will see for the next hour and a half. But there are fans of the material who create their own opening titles either for their own enjoyment. James Curran just happens to be one of those fans, and not only has his opening title sequence gone viral but it was seen by The Adventures of Tintin director Steven Spielberg, who invited him to the premiere and gave him a job as well. Hit the jump to see the video.The Adventures of Tintin from James Curran on Vimeo.Edgar Wright, screenplay writer for the Tintin adaption, first broke the news on his twitter account (via slashfilm),So @slimjimstudios does unofficial #Tintin titles, Spielberg sees ‘em, give him invite to prem & job on next movie…It is still unclear what Curran will be working on, but some of Spielberg’s films currently under production are Robopocalypse and Lincoln, so that could be a possibility. Viral Marketing Viral Videos James CurransilmjimstudiosSteven SpielbergThe Adventures of Tintin
ARGs & Campaigns Flynn Lives: End of Line For The “TRON: Legacy” Viral Campaign December 8, 2010October 18, 2011So you might be aware of this thing called TRON: Legacy that has been steamrolling its way through entertainment culture with resounding hype heard ‘round the world. You may not know just how deep the hype rabbit-hole goes, though. Today is the proof in the electroluminescent pudding: hundreds of people… Read More
Viral Video of the Week: The Dark Knight Is Confused December 13, 2009December 13, 2009We’re going to start a new feature on MovieViral where we post the best TV or movie-related viral video of the week. Let us know what you think of the video in the comments below, and give us ideas for next week’s VVOTW. We’ll give you credit and post honorary… Read More
“Transcendence” Viral Videos Makes Their Presence Known March 28, 2014March 28, 2014Since the release of the three viral videos promoting Transcendence, all we have managed to see from the film is a fun game that measures your technology dependency. With the film closing in on it’s April release, the viral marketing it starting to kick up once again. This time, there… Read More