Return of the Super 8 Secret (Updated)

This month, the Super 8 Twitter account (@Super8Movie) has been tweeting about the Super 8 Secret and directing followers to Yesterday I did some digging and accidentally stumbled upon (no pun intended) what this site is meant for: a viral campaign for the home media release of Super 8. Now fans will have the chance to race around several cities to find hidden prizes. To find out when and where this will take place, as well as one of the very special prizes, hit the jump. (Now updated with additional cities and a mystery prize!)

It’s called the Super 8 Hide & Tweet, a scavenger hunt that will take place this Friday, November 18th in cities across the United States. @Super8Movie has been dropping clues as to which states the hunts will take place, such as California, Pennsylvania, Utah and West Virginia. During my snooping, I found out exactly where each hunt will take place.

Additional cities include:

A Super 8 Blu-ray/DVD combo pack signed by director/writer J.J. Abrams and some mystery prizes (one of which will be tickets to the Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol premiere as revealed by @Super8Movie) will be hidden in each city listed above. The microsites you are taken to when clicking the links above is where fans can go on Friday to find out clues as to where the prize is hidden in their city. Then use Twitter hashtag #Super8Movie when posting pictures of the prizes.

This seems to be fun and all, but why does Paramount feel the need to run a viral campaign for the release of the Blu-ray? Are they not confident that the film will sell? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

You can own the Super 8 Blu-ray/DVD combo pack next Tuesday, November 22nd. Unless of course, you are one of the lucky people to find one of the hidden copies. Good luck!

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