Help Find Elizabeth Burke Through New “White Collar” Social Experience Caleb Hamilton, January 4, 2012January 4, 2012 At the end of the summer finale, the wife of FBI agent Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, was kidnapped by criminals searching for Neal Caffrey’s stolen Nazi treasure. USA Network is now giving fans the chance to help find Elizabeth via a new, immersive social experience, leading up to the mid-season premiere on January 17th. More after the break.Now until January 17th, fans can join the search and post where they think Mrs. Suit is being held at Each day, a new clue will be posted, including exclusive video and audio, from the crime scene along with additional evidence. White Collar series creator and executive producer Jeff Eastin will provide feedback and hints during the mid-season premiere. Eastin will also choose a lucky fan to be featured on is connected to USA Networks’ popular Character Chatter platform which channels a real-time feed of the social buzz around series from all social streams including Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube.White Collar returns to USA, January 17th at 10 PM/9c! Social Networks Viral Marketing USA NetworkWhereIsElizabethBurke.comWhite Collar
Get Your Name Featured on the Paranormal Activity DVD November 5, 2009November 5, 2009As we reported before, the viral buzz of Paranormal Activity deserves credit for most of the film’s success. Paramount Pictures obviously realizes this, so they have found a simple yet effective way to thank the fans. By entering your name and some information, you can have your name in the… Read More
“Gone Girl” Trailer Launches A Terrific Bone Chilling Viral Campaign April 14, 2014April 17, 2014David Fincher may have dropped out as director of Sony Pictures’ upcoming Steve Jobs’ biopic, but we still have his adaptation of Gillian Flynn‘s mega-bestseller Gone Girl to look forward to. Now at first it may seem like a film like this would not have a viral marketing campaign. But… Read More
Saturday Night Live Takes on We Are The World, Undercover Boss, and Olympics February 28, 2010Last night, Jennifer Lopez hosted and performed on Saturday Night Live, and she did a pretty good job in my opinion (at least as host). The show parodied the new “We Are the World” song by bringing awareness to how bad the song is. We also got a couple hilarious… Read More