Patton Oswalt Tweets About Oscar Snubs As Only Patton Oswalt Can Dan Koelsch, January 25, 2012January 25, 2012 Comedian Patton Oswalt is one of my favorite people to follow on Twitter. Not only is he funny, but he takes on the topics I love to hear get ridiculed. Case in point: yesterday’s Academy Awards nominations were revealed, and like usual, there were plenty of snubs. Oswalt found his own unique way to comment on the glaring nomination snubs. Find out how after the break. Oswalt took to Twitter to tell Albert Brooks a story about them joining a bunch of actors for a wild party to celebrate their snubs.Join me for a drink at The Drawing Room, @AlbertBrooks? Me and Serkis have been here since 6am.@AlbertBrooks See you later tonight. Might be out of booze — Serkis has on the jukebox & Fassbender just showed up in a pirate hat.@AlbertBrooks Oh shit — we’re DEFINITELY going to run out of booze. Charlize & Tilda just pulled up in a stolen police car.@AlbertBrooks Dude, GET DOWN HERE. Gosling is doing keg stands and Olsen & Dunst LITERALLY just emerged from a shower of rose petals.@AlbertBrooks Nolte & Plummer just drove past, mooning us. Serkis & Tilda are signing “Is There Life on Mars?”@AlbertBrooks Oops — Von Trier just pulled up in a pass van dressed as Goering. “Let’s go to Legoland!” With a boozy hurrah, we’re out!@AlbertBrooks Oh. My. God. Just pulled up to Legoland. DiCaprio’s rented the park for the day. Dibs on the Duplo Gardens! #andsceneOswalt himself was a potential nominee for his role in Young Adult, and he makes reference to successful nominees Nick Nolte (Warrior) and Christopher Plummer (Beginners), as well as Nazi Hermann Göring (see why here). Below is the list of people in the story and the movies for which they would have been nominated to give you some reference.Albert Brooks – Drive Andy Serkis – Rise of Planet of the Apes Michael Fassbender – Shame (possibly also A Dangerous Method) Charlize Theron – Young Adult Tilda Swinton – We Need to Talk About Kevin Ryan Gosling – Drive Elizabeth Olsen – Martha Marcy May Marlene Kirsten Dunst – Melancholia Lar Von Trier – Melancholia Leonardo DiCaprio – J. EdgarWhile I understand the frustration of not getting recognized for great work, there are only a few nominations available, and I would hope a little gold statue doesn’t dictate your career. What do you think about Oswalt’s Twitter rant/story? Was he just having fun or was he really upset? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.P.S. Swinton has actually responded after being shown the Twitter joke Social Networks Viral News Academy AwardsPatton OswaltYoung Adult
Apollo 18: Big Announcement Tomorrow and Decoder Game Continues February 16, 2011February 17, 2011We haven’t heard much in the past few weeks from Apollo 18, but now we may know why. Also, the film’s Twitter page has been aflutter with a contest that can give you some cool moon-based (no pun intended) prizes. Get the details after the break. Read More
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I always liked Patton in Magnolia / Big Fan / King of Queens, but he has the EXTREME insight of a person who sees/appreciates movies as form of art. [ …what about Carey Mulligan in SHAME, bro. ? ] Anyways, Albert Brooks don’t need no freakin’ validation. That dude KNOWS what’s goin’ down.