“Chronicle” Viral Sends People Flying Over New York City Skyline Caleb Hamilton, January 30, 2012October 7, 2013 It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Supe- nope, it’s a plane. Or is it? The found-footage film, Chronicle, opens this Friday and to get people even more excited, a viral marketing campaign started over New York City and parts of New Jersey that will make you think you’re seeing things! If you live in the area and you’ve seen “people” flying around in the sky, there’s a perfectly logical explanation. Find out what it is after the jump.20th Century Fox hired the New York City based viral marketing agency, Thinkmodo (the guys behind the Limitless Times Square hack) to design special aircraft to promote Chronicle. Michael Krivicka from Thinkmodo explains to TechCrunch:“Since the three main characters of the movie have the ability to fly, we came up with the idea of staging a few “flying people” sightings around NYC. We achieved that illusion by having 3 custom-made aircraft (which were shaped like human beings) fly above designated areas in NYC and NJ.”Below you can see a behind-the-scenes video documenting the flights: Chronicle opens in theaters this Friday, February 3rd! Viral Marketing Viral Videos 20th Century FoxChronicleFlying peoplePrankThinkmodoViral marketing
Help Dexter Confess and Get a Glimpse at Season 6 August 19, 2011With the fifth season of Dexter being released on DVD and Blu-Ray this week and the rapidly approaching debut of a new season, Showtime has amped up the marketing efforts for their hit show. The network recently launched a Dexter viral website called Dexter Confessions, which allows users to better… Read More
New ‘Star Wars Arcade’ App Seats You in the Millennium Falcon November 30, 2010I don’t own an iPhone or the iPod Touch, so I have been unable to enjoy the thousands of apps that have come out in recent years. If I did though, this would be the first one I would download. THQ Wireless Inc. has released a new mobile game called… Read More
Uber Offers A Pickup From Transformer Optimus Prime In Marketing Tie-In June 16, 2014June 16, 2014Popular ride service Uber has been seriously disrupting the taxi space for a while. They’ve recently had some real challenges in cities like London (where the cabbies there are striking over the service). While that serious drama unfolds, Uber appears to be having a little fun too. Uber and Transformers: Age… Read More