“The Amazing Spider-Man” Dead Drops Found, Countdown Ends This Morning Dan Koelsch, February 14, 2012March 21, 2012 Yesterday we reported that there dead drops in various cities as part of Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign. Since all the items have now been collected, the viral website’s countdown is out in the open for everyone to see. Now what? To get everyone on the same page, this campaign is titled “The Mark of The Spider-Man”, and there is a Twitter account and official website for you to follow directly. Our friend Anton Volkov referred us to two websites that have been following the action pretty closely: a Tumblr dedicated to the campaign (run by Anton himself), and Mentorless.The various countdowns on the official viral website all end this morning, With all the dead drops claimed, the question is what will happen when the various countdowns on the official website end this morning in Atlanta, Denver, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, and Seattle? Anton speculates that we may get images in place of those static gifs that lead us to more clues.And, here’s my theory for what will happen for Phase #2 of the viral.At those times, one by one, in the order above, the 6 statics on the main page will change to photos, giving us this time a visual clue for location where the next clues/packages will be. A bit like with Mouth Taped Shut giving us both a pair of coordinates and a Hipstamatic image of where we need to go.I recommend following Anton’s Tumblr to keep up to date as the morning passes, and we’ll have a follow up later in the day to summarize what has happened. Below are the local times that each countdown ends.NEW YORK – 10:00ATLANTA – 10:30DENVER – 10:15PHOENIX – 10:45SEATTLE – 10:00LOS ANGELES – 10:30Who thinks we’ll get something related to Valentine’s Day? ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Mark of the Spider-ManThe Amazing Spider-Man
Viral Marketing NBC’s “Hannibal” Posts “10 Fun Facts About Cannibalism” Video January 30, 2014With NBC’s Hannibal returning for a second course in February, we’ve seen all kinds of promotional videos either recapping what happened last season or teasing what to expect this season. One video takes a more interesting approach to marketing the series by showing us “10 Fun Facts about Cannibalism.” Check… Read More
Statler and Waldorf Take Over Twitter September 20, 2011September 20, 2011Briefly: Everyone’s favorite trolls, the grumpy old Muppets Statler and Waldorf, have taken over the Muppets Studio Twitter account after a “random drawing”. Check out the feed for such gems as “We’re not exactly sure how Twitter works, but Fozzie doesn’t know how a joke works and it never stopped… Read More
Be a Part of the Muppets’ Never Ending Mahna Mahna Phenomena November 16, 2011November 16, 2011Briefly: Mahna Mahna is just one of the Muppets signature songs and the best thing about the song is that it never ends. It just goes on and on and on. Now you can join The Muppets, celebrities, and millions of others in Mahna Mahna phenomena simply by uploading a… Read More