Turn Your Favorite YouTube Video into an Oscar-Worthy Masterpiece with The Artistifier! Caleb Hamilton, February 27, 2012February 27, 2012 The silent film genre has returned! With The Artist winning big last night at the 84th Academy Awards, I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a few more silent films in the coming years. But if you love silent movies, you don’t have to wait much longer. You can return any YouTube video to the glory of the silent film era with The Artistifier!The Artistifier YouTube app takes any YouTube video and “Artistifies” it. When you plug in the link to a YouTube video, The Artistifier turns the video black and white, strips it of its original audio and replaces that with an instrumental soundtrack. You can then add your name (as the director), a title for your artistified clip and captions, just like in a silent movie. When it’s all done, you’ve got yourself a contender for the Oscars race! The only drawback is you can’t share the artistified videos within your social network, but they are published to the site’s home page.I’ve included links to few below, since they can’t be embedded. But be warned, a couple of them are NSFW!The Dark Knight RisesSTOP FINGERING CHARLIE (NSFW)The Moral of Titanic (NSFW)So what are you waiting for? Get Artistifying! Fan Made Work Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral Videos The ArtistThe ArtistifierViral VideosYouTube
This Spoilerish Interactive Trailer For “Sherlock Series 3” Helps Deduce Answers To Some Burning Questions December 10, 2013December 10, 2013It has been 2 long years since the second series (or season as we like to call our annual television shows on this side of the pond) of the BBC hit Sherlock left us with a infuriatingly and nearly impossible query, is Sherlock alive and if so…how? Now, if that… Read More
Avengers Actor Tries On Real Iron Man Suit September 29, 2010Clark Gregg is probably best known by readers of the site as Agent Coulson in the new Marvel film universe that includes Iron Man and the upcoming The Avengers. Last week, Gregg got to visit the Raytheon Sarcos research lab in Salt Lake City, Utah for the debut of the… Read More
Counter Found on Super 8 Viral Website August 9, 2010The Super 8 viral campaign sure likes its second counters. The Scariest Thing I Ever Saw website has another counter, this time on its dedicated page. What is this counting from, and what does it mean? Here’s everything we know so far. Read More