“Prometheus” Takes Over Ghost Station in Paris Dan Koelsch, May 17, 2012May 17, 2012 Here’s something a little different done by 20th Century Fox for the international release of Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. Our friend Anton Volkov has tipped us off to an abandoned metro station in Paris that has been transformed to look like the mysterious cave we’ve seen in the film’s trailers. Get the details after the break. If you are traveling on Metro line 9, you can see the transformed The Saint-Martin station, closed since 1939. It’s made to look like the cave that the crew of the Prometheus find, and it includes the large stone head featured prominently in the film’s advertising, as well as the pods that mimic the eggs from the Alien series (Prometheus is an unofficial prequel to the series). The location is even pinpointed on the Metro’s maps. Below are some photos (click for full size) and a video I found that includes a pretty odd ending. Check out our Prometheus Hub for coverage of the film’s viral campaign, and be sure to see the film when it opens in theaters on June 8th.Additional Sources: Averblog & Minutebuzz Viral Marketing Prometheus
The Evolution of the Zombie [Infographic] August 7, 2013August 6, 2013We all love zombies, but where did they come from? I don’t mean whether its a virus or Revelations, but rather how they came into popular culture. Well, Wish.co.uk has created an infographic that helps to explain just that. Check it out after the break. Read More
Billboard for “The Dark Knight Rises” Will Blow You Away June 23, 2012You might not think of billboards as being an innovative piece of marketing, but when it’s done right, it demands attention. Case in point, a billboard in Hollywood for The Dark Knight Rises that utilizes all three dimensions. Check out an image, courtesy of /Film, after the jump. Read More
Check Out The New Web Series for The Office March 4, 2010March 4, 2010The latest web series for NBC’s The Office is now live on NBC.com. We showed you the teaser for “The Mentor” last week, and now you can watch all four webisodes, as well as play games, download screensavers, and more. Watch the videos after the jump. Read More
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