Canadian Time Travel Television Show “Continuum” Has In-Depth ARG Dan Koelsch, May 30, 2012May 29, 2012 Briefly: I’m sure much of our regular readers in the US aren’t familiar with Canadian television, but a new series debuted this past Sunday (very successfully) on the Showcase channel called Continuum. The show is about a detective from 2077 who travels back to 2012 to stop terrorists. To promote the show, a complex Alternate Reality Game kicked off last week that includes mailed packages, videos, and even emails revolving around a journalist and an activist group. You can follow along on the game’s official website, but read Michael Andersen’s write up on ARGNet to get the whole picture. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Continuum
“Pandemic” Movie To Play Out As ARG During Sundance January 19, 2011Our good friends at ARGNet have come across a short film set to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival that is actually an extension of an old ARG. In fact, the short film, titled Pandemic 41.410806, -75.654259, serves as the teaser for the renewed ARG set to play out at… Read More
SyFy’s “Being Human” To Be First Series With TV Tagging January 24, 2011January 24, 2011If you’re already a fan of SyFy’s new show Being Human after just one episode, then you’re in luck. The series, a BBC remake about a werewolf, vampire, and ghost that live together, is teaming up with App makers Shazam to make for a more interactive experience. Read More
Sony’s “Men in Black III” Viral Lets You Leave Another Message, This Time For Chinese Take-Out March 7, 2012April 1, 2012If you watched the new Men in Black III trailer that debuted this week, then you might have noticed the name of the Chinese restaurant featured in the beginning. For those that decided to snoop around, a website for Wu’s Diamond Garden Chinese Restaurant was found. Get the details after… Read More