Warner Bros. Pulls Off “Rock of Ages” Flash Mob At Fan Screening Dan Koelsch, June 9, 2012June 9, 2012 We’ve seen a trend lately of studios pulling off surprise promotional stunts during fan screenings of films. The goal is twofold: spread word of mouth through the audience members and hope that the video of the event goes viral. Warner Bros. recently did such a stunt in Toronto for their upcoming musical Rock of Ages. See what happened after the break. Rock of Ages opens in theaters on June 15th. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Rock of Ages
“The Guilt Trip” Asks “Why Did I Teach My Mom To Text”? December 2, 2012December 2, 2012The Guilt Trip is a comedy about an inventor (played by Seth Rogen) who takes his mother (Barbara Streisand) on a road trip to sell his new invention. Obviously, travelling with your mother when you are a grown man can be difficult, and the film has tapped into that by… Read More
Iamamiwhoami Viral Possibly Solved Thanks to New Video March 16, 2010We’ve been trying to keep you all updated on the disturbing viral campaign known as “Iamamiwhoami” that seems to be a for a musician, and now we have a new development that may answer at least some of the questions we have. After a new video posted this weekend gave… Read More
“The Muppets” Want to Wish You a Happy Halloween October 31, 2011November 23, 2011The Muppets’ latest trailer may have been the final parody trailer, but it isn’t necessarily the last we will be seeing of the parody campaign. To commemorate Halloween, the studio has sent us an exclusive Halloween card from The Muppets featuring Ms. Piggy, Kermit the Frog, and Rizzo the Rat… Read More
Warner Bros. recently did such a stunt in Toronto for their upcoming musical Rock of Ages. See what happened after the break.