Two New “The Dark Knight Rises” Posters! Caleb Hamilton, July 5, 2012July 5, 2012 We are now about two weeks away from the epic conclusion of the Dark Knight Legend and the marketing machine seems to be working overtime. We recently told you about an online game called The Fire Rises in which you play as a member of Bane’s army. Well it got an update this week and two new looting locations became available. The game designers snuck in a little easter egg into one of the locations. Get a look at that and the official IMAX poster after the jump!In the new The Fire Rises update, you can now loot the Oil Refinery and the Chemical Factory. As you play through these two levels, you may notice a billboard in each. Be sure to click on them to get higher quality versions. One we’ve seen before, but the newest one we have below. The art work seems to highlight the militaristic takeover of Gotham by Bane.The next poster was revealed on Facebook and is the official IMAX poster for the film. Personally, this is my favorite of all the posters released. The art here shows you the epic scale of this movie and shows Gotham in flames. Perhaps this is hinting at the League of Shadows and Ra’s Al Ghul returning to finish the job from Batman Begins?Which poster is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!The Dark Knight Rises in theaters and IMAX on July 20th! Viral Marketing Viral News FacebookimaxPostersThe Dark Knight RisesThe Fire RisesViral marketing
Explore Joe’s Desk In The “Super 8” International “Gonna Be Mint” Campaign August 4, 2011J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 may be almost out of theaters here in the United States, but tomorrow is the date that the film will finally be released in all countries. To promote the occasion, Paramount has a new internet campaign dubbed “Gonna Be Mint” after what has become a catchphrase… Read More
Redditor Finds Abandoned “Looper” Set October 27, 2012While I have been aware of Reddit for quite some time, I only really started exploring it a few months ago. It’s amazing how much content is on the website, and it’s always interesting to see what floats to the top. Yesterday I found one thread where a Redditor took… Read More
The Onion Explains The Reason For All The Iron Man 2 Hype April 24, 2010The Onion News Network has discovered the source for all that Iron Man 2 internet buzz. No, it’s not the introduction to War Machine, or the promise of another excellent performance by Robert Downey Jr. In actuality, it’s speculation that Gwyneth Paltrow’s character will get punched in the face sometime… Read More