Nokia Creates Interactive 3D Map of Gotham City Dan Koelsch, July 8, 2012 It’s the map we deserve, but not the one we need, or something. Nokia has partnered with The Dark Knight Rises to bring us a 3D map of Gotham City using Nokia Maps. Find out more, including how you can win prizes, after the break. Once you connect to the App on Facebook and Like the Nokia Facebook page, you’ll get access to the map. It has a great visual style, set at night with a cloudy sky, and you can do everything you usually can with an interactive map, like zoom in and pan and tilt. The sounds also help make it feel more real. There are four locations that you can click on to see a bit closer: Arkham Asylum, Wayne Tower, City Hall, and Gotham City Stadium. These are all pivotal locations in the trilogy, and when you click on them, you are instructed to find any Bat Shields, as they will have you win prizes.Try it out for yourself, and let us know what you think. More locations are coming soon, be sure to keep exploring the map. The Dark Knight Rises opens in IMAX on July 20th.Source: Mashable Apps Social Networks Viral Marketing NokiaThe Dark Knight Rises
Could Recent Jerusalem UFO Videos Be Viral For “Battle: Los Angeles”? February 3, 2011February 3, 2011The blogosphere has been aflutter in the past day or so over some video clips of UFOs hovering over Jerusalem. The legitimacy of the clips, supposedly taken over this past weekend, has caused some controversy online. Skeptics have torn the videos apart bit by bit, but nothing is certain. Now,… Read More
Viral Video: Avatar… with Babies February 20, 2010February 21, 2010The beginning of the year is a popular time to make viral videos based off movies. Last winter we saw multitudes of Twilight parodies, and this year we have Avatar. Sketch comedy artists The Midnight Show have made a trailer for a version of Avatars where adults are the aliens… Read More
Seven Psychopaths: Help Charlie Find His Shih Tzu September 23, 2012Seven Psychopaths is a comedy action film from CBS Films with an odd, yet strangely alluring, premise. Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell are dog thieves who unwittingly steal a dog from Charlie Costello, an unpredictable gangster. After the break, find out how Costello has gone public with his efforts to… Read More